Can President Donald Burlington, a conservative ex-business executive with no political experience, navigate the shark-infested waters of Washington, DC?
Both parties and the entire political establishment are eager to take him down because he is trying to eliminate the way the Federal government caters to special interests and emboldens entrenched politicians to gain and maintain their political power.
While trying to lead the nation and free world, he must deal with contentious policy issues; foreign crises; terrorism; political enemies and personal issues, to name a few.
Meanwhile, his trusted assistant, Nicole, grows concerned by his fascination with an international film star: does she factor into his personal happiness and need for companionship? Little does he know that the love of his life might be closer than he imagines.
The original title, Escape from Serfdom, was published in 2014, well before Donald Trump hit the national political stage, and has been "bigly" revised and expanded into books one and two of The Ship of State series.
If you enjoyed the movie, The American President or the TV series, The West Wing, you'll love The Ship of State.
For a short time after his divorce, Donald Burlington was not only the President of the United States, but the most eligible bachelor in the world, not a title he wanted to keep.
He invited his trusted assistant, Nicole, up to Camp David for a relaxing weekend and with the help of the Secret Service, the President and Nicole managed to hide their budding relationship from the White House staff, the media and the American public.
Through it all, President Burlington, with Nicole's support, gathered a bipartisan group of lawmakers, disgruntled with their parties’ leadership to negotiate critical reforms in the way Congress operates, how legislation is written and passed, along with significant election reform.
The President used his political capital and staked his re-election on guiding these reforms through a reluctant Congress.
If you liked the movie The American President or the hit TV series, The West Wing, you'll love The Ship of State.
A disenfranchised Vice President Elliott, fearful of being left off the ticket for the upcoming reelection campaign, seeks to undermine President Burlington.
A former First Lady and Secretary of State, accompanied by her minions, resort to extreme efforts to dig up dirt on the President, his adopted sister, Amy, and the new First Lady. The result: several scandals, one of which blows up in their faces.
President Burlington tries to quell international terrorism with an International Conference in Istanbul. A terrorist attack during the International Conference threatens to halt the proceedings and thwart his efforts for a Mideast peace.
The President signs into law a new healthcare package, the first major legislation passed using the newly revised Congressional rules that require laws be targeted, written in plain English, and published in advance before being voted on and passed.
If you liked the movie The American President or the hit TV series, The West Wing, you'll love The Ship of State.
With reelection looming, the President must select a VP nominee and looks to his closest friend in Congress to fill that role, but an unexpected revelation complicates his plan.
President Burlington deals with contentious political, social, and international issues while running for reelection against the progressive Democratic political machine and their litany of dirty tricks.
The President’s reelection campaign counters with a series of policy proposals that change the way the Federal government taxes American workers, educates our children, reforms entitlements, while reducing the size and scope of the Federal government.
Late in the grueling reelection campaign, he must deal with a domestic terror attack, all while the First Lady experiences a personal struggle of her own.
If you liked the movie The American President or the hit TV series, The West Wing, you'll love The Ship of State.
Fresh off his biggest triumphs, a landslide reelection victory, and the birth of twins, Donald Burlington’s world almost comes crashing down when first his beautiful wife, Nicole, then he almost loses their lives.
Political intrigue, infighting, and an epic power play for the very office he holds, President of the United States follows leading to a constitutional crisis that nearly leads to war.
Can Donald Burlington regain his health, bring his family back together, and finish the job he started - helping restore the United States of America back to the vision and ideals first defined by our Founding Fathers?
The Ship of State: Book 5® is the gripping conclusion to this unique series of political novels, where a stellar business executive with no political experience is thrust into the shark-infested waters of Washington, DC.
Don Burlington not only learns to swim, but he also bucks the political establishment, bridges the chasm that separates Americans, and becomes the life preserver the country needs before it declines like the Roman Empire.
Grab your copies today of the entire The Ship of State® Series; it will inspire and give hope in these dark political times.
The Ship of State: Books One through Five follow a young American President, Donald Burlington, as he seeks to restore the country back to the type of democratic republic the Founding Fathers envisioned. It’s not easy turning the ship of state around being a political novice, fighting against the leaders of both parties, the political establishment and the status quo.
The question is - How did it all begin?
In The Ship of State: The Prequel, you’ll see how and why a successful business consultant decided to leave his firm to become the President & CEO of a Denver based bank to steer it through a turbulent financial calamity, warn Congress and the country of the upcoming crisis, then answer the call to run for President of the United States and ultimately defeat the incumbent president.
If you liked the movie The American President or the hit TV series The West Wing, you’ll love The Ship of State and enjoy how the wild ride all began.
The Ship of State Series is now available as an eBook on Amazon. It includes all six novels as defined above.
If you prefer the paperback version of the novels, they can be purchased individually from Amazon or inscribed and signed copies of the full series can be purchased from this website by clicking the link below.
A MUST READ - "If only we could have a President as smart and savvy as this man! The idea of reigning in Congress is remarkable……if only."