All novels are available on Amazon as an eBook, Paperback or Audiobook. 

Personally inscribed paperbacks are available in The Book Store - CLICK HERE to order

Find out how a young president, Donald Burlington will manage his way through the shark-infested waters of Washington, DC. Both political parties and the entire political establishment are against his efforts to reform the way entrenched politicians work with lobbyists to get and keep their political power and influence over public policy and our nation's finances.

Beyond dealing with political enemies, domestic policy issues and foreign crisis, the young president must deal with personal issues that have been long festering and need to be resolved before he can fully move on and be content in his job and life.

The Ship of State Series is a revised and expanded version of the original novel, Escape from Serfdom.

Jonathan Collinsworth, known to millions of country music fans as JJ Collins, sings in a fake southern accent, and is in a public relations relationship with a narcissistic woman he can’t stand.

Exhausted after a grueling concert tour, Jonathan goes incognito for a few days of rest and relaxation and meets a struggling, single mother, waitressing in a rural Georgia diner.  Mary Beth Johnson is the first ‘real woman’ Jonathan’s been attracted to in, well, forever. The problem is that she despises country music and has been let down by all the men in her life. Mary Beth vows to be done with men, all men, while protecting and raising her young daughter, Hope.

Can Johnathan win her over before she finds out what he really does for a living?

Escape From Serfdom, Mr. Ley's original novel published in 2014. It is about a young President of the United States who defeated President Obama in 2012 election and instead of trying to fundamentally transform American, President Burlington is fighting the establishment and both parties to return the American republic back to one envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

While there is politics and public policy throughout the novel, it also contains a rich story with interesting characters, vivid descriptions and unusual plot twists. The title, Escape from Serfdom, makes it sound like a dark dystopian novel, which it is not. That's why it is being expanded and recast as a series of novels called The Ship of State.

The novel got great reviews, as you can see below, and while there are a few used copies on Amazon and by other resellers at astronomical prices, there are a few original hardcover and paperback copies available that can be dedicated and signed by the author.

Just a few of the reviews for 

Escape From Serfdom